Phone Number: 718-294-8155
Fax Number: 718-294-8154
School information
School Number: X555
Accessibility: Fully Accessible
Grades: PK,0K,01,02,03,04,05,SE
Geographic District: 9
Borough: Bronx
School Contacts
School Leader: Jacqueline Radoslovich, Principal
Parent Coordinator: Isis Payan, Isaura Reyes
Respect for All Liaison: Amara Olavarria
Sexual Harassment Prevention Liaison: Amara Olavarria
504 Coordinator: Rachel Hondorf
Our school's vision:
At Mount Eden Children’s Academy (MECA), our children will receive a top-notch education that focuses on rigorous academics, solid enrichment and social development in order to move on to secondary and post-secondary education successfully; Taking into account that parents, guardians, families and the community have an abundance of knowledge to offer in regards to supporting their children’s education. Students, staff, families and the community will feel welcomed, nurtured, respected and encouraged to participate in school functions and assist in the development of our students.
Our school's mission:
Mount Eden Children’s Academy’s mission is to develop students with creative and critical minds, a lifelong love of learning, and compassion and courage in order to become successful members of a global society. Students will engage in rigorous hands on learning, meaningful enrichment activities, and social emotional learning to support their development. We believe that parents, guardians, families, and the community are crucial partners in the success of this mission. Students, staff, families and the community will work together to ensure that all students reach their fullest potential.